1979-Oct-pg16_Replies to Queries
This article came from the Chronicle published September 1978. Page 16
Replies to Queries
Hospital cot inscriptions – Mrs Somerville’s Merry Little Entertainers (Vol.1 No.2, p16)
Mrs Somerville was the wife of Mr J.H.Somerville, who owned a grocer’s shop in The Borough, Yeovil, next to Lloyds Bank (now used as a television showroom). She was the daughter of Mr Haynes, whose butcher’s shop is now part of Perris’s premises (formerly Redwood).
Mrs Somerville taught dancing to pupils of all ages – assisted by a Miss Stanway and a Miss Goddard. ‘The Merry Entertainers’ were a number of the younger of her pupils. These carried out dancing and action displays organized by Mrs Somerville and attracted much support from the public in the Yeovil Assembly Rooms (now the Conservative Club in Princes Street). The financial results were such that Mrs Somerville, was able to endow two cots in Yeovil Hospital, built in 1924, but now replaced by the present hospital.
A Yeovil Token (Vol.1 No.2, p.16)
A token bearing the same inscription as that quoted by ‘Hon.Sec.’ is in Yeovil Museum, though nothing so far appears to be known of Gardiners Tea Warehouse other than the information contained on it, nor the date of its issue.
‘Drats for the Hegge’ (Vol.1 No.2, p.16)
Do you think this might be ‘Dapes for the Head(s)’ – the veils) for the Rood and/or statue of the Virgin in the parish church? If this entry was made in the Lenten season I think this could well. be so.
(Mrs) Ellen C.Berryman.
Bridge Cottage West Coker.
These appear to have started as a sail factory by Robert Moore in 1839 and sold to Lord Portman in 1900, when conversion to cottages took place. Does anyone know what the building was before it became a sail factory, since it seems to be of a vintage earlier than 1839? Also, are there any pictures known of it while it was still a sail factory?
D.J.Ellis (10 Alfred Road, Farnham, Surrey)
Replies to the above should be communicated to the editor of ‘Chronicle’.