1980-Oct-pg01_Editorial and Edgar Silcox Memorial Lectures

1980-Oct-pg01_Editorial and Edgar Silcox Memorial Lectures

This article came from Chronicle published October 1980. Page: 1


also Edgar Silcox Memorial Lectures

Leslie Brooke



Contributions for this issue have not been quite as lengthy as for former members, though there is the usual variety of topics – it is hoped members will continue to do their best to ensure a steady supply of articles – the object of ‘Chronicle’ being not only to report on the Society’s activities as a corporate body, but to give accounts of individual research or finds – no matter how trivial they may seem.

Thanks are due to those who have contributed for this issue – as usual Russ Clynick has been at great pains to record the doings of the society since our last issue, bringing us right up to date with the last of the Summer Outings.

The continuing saga of our Tintinhull project is given by Mrs Pat Knight who, together with a small band of helpers, have carried on the work despite the somewhat in clement summer we have experienced.

The Yeovil Museum working party’s activities, under the leadership of Mr L.C.Hayward, are also given, highlighting some of the tasks carried out during their weekly attendance there.

Our Chairman, Miss Isabel Rendell, has extracted Daniel Defoe’s description of dialect as spoken in the neighbourhood of Yeovil in the early part of the eighteenth century and Mrs G.L.Brice tells us of the Kimmeridge Woman.
Russ Clynick also contributes an account of the ‘Clergy House’ at Alfriston in East Sussex, while our Secretary who recently flew (in an aircraft!) over Dorset, recounts his impressions of that flight besides telling us where in Yeovil it is possible to glimpse Wells Cathedral. Your editor can verify his assertion.

Mrs Knight maintains her watch on publications of local historical and archaeological interest, as well as bringing up to date those additions to our Society’s Library since the last issue.

Finally, by the time this is in your hands, details will, have appeared in the press of your editor’s latest venture into authorship, details of which appear at the end of Mrs Knight’s Book News and Notices, while the evidence for asserting that. Sir Francis Drake visited Yeovil in 1563 is given together with possible reasons for his having done so.

Footnote – Contributions from members for our next issue as soon as prepared please, certainly not later than 6 March 1981 this date is THE, VERY LATEST.

Edgar Silcox Memorial Lectures

Although details of the Winter Programme were not available at the time of going to press, mention must be made of the meeting on Friday 7 November, which will be the first of the ‘Edgar Silcox Memorial Lectures’ to be given, most fittingly on this occasion, by his close associate in the Society, Mr.L.C.Hayward. It is intended these lectures shall be an annual event at which prominent speakers, expert in their own field, will be invited to address the Society, the expenses, at least in part, to be met from a subscription fund set aside for the purpose in recognition of the years of devoted service given by our late Secretary-Treasurer. Edgar’s death, earlier this year, robbed the Society not only of a founding member and loyal officer, but an amiable and knowledgeable friend who will be sadly missed by all. Those wishing to contribute to the fund should contact the Treasurer, Ron.Gilson.

Bygone Yeovil

The third of our own publications, is available at meetings or at St. John’s Church for £1.50, the whole of the proceeds will be devoted towards the restoration fund of this, the most ancient building remaining in the town – those has been a good sale at the church bookstall so far.