This article came from the Chronicle
Volume 2(2) published April 1982. Page 28
Author: Leslie Brooke
Yeovil Churchwardens’ Accounts for 1733-4 include the following entry; “Paid for Cyder ffiar Bread & Cheese for ringing ye Prince of Orange – £10 10 0″. The Prince visited Bath in 1734 to take the waters for the benefit of his health – this, of course, occurring during the time Beau Nash was Master of Ceremonies there. To mark the event The Grove was renamed The Orange Grove, and Nash had an obelisk set up, which may still be seen.
From the entry in the Yeovil churchwardens’ accounts it would appear the prince had broken his journey here on his way to Bath, perhaps staying overnight. The fact that £1.50 was paid to the ringers instead of the usual 5s. (25p), and that a meal was provided, shows that the ringing was almost certainly continued throughout the day. Although the item is undated as to the time of year this event took place, it would seem to have been during the winter months, since ‘ffiar’ was provided, probably in 1734, since the accounts run from Easter to Easter yearly, and are dated from the Easter in which they commence.