This article came from the Chronicle published April 1986. Page 79
‘Whereas one Roman Phelipps was heretofore placed an Apprentice unto Samuell Hardinge of Evell, mercer, by and with the assent of Edwen Phelippes his unkell to serve him as his Apprentice in the space of tenn yeares, now uppon complaint unto this Courte that the said Samuell Hardinge hath or intendeth to putt of his said Apprentice who hath served him not above three years or there abouts pretendinge that the said Apprentice to be troubled with some Lunacie; And that tile said Samuell Hardinge hath received some money from the ffreinds of the said Roman Phelipps, which they desired to be restored. Ordered that Sir Robert Phellips, Knight, and Thomas Lyte, Esqr wil be pleased to call all the parties before them and examine the truth of every particular, and to settle an end between them yf they may, and to certifie unto this courte their opinions there-in att the next Sessions of the peace to be holden for the County.’
Court of Quarter Sessions held at Wells 14-17 January 1633-4.