1986-Apr-pg87_Obituary: The Late Mr Edwin A. Batty

1986-Apr-pg87_Obituary: The Late Mr Edwin A. Batty

This article came from the Chronicle published April 1986.  Page 79


Obituary: The Late Mr Edwin A. Batty

Author: L.C. Hayward


Members of tile Society were saddened at the death last December of Mr. Batty , Borough Librarian and Museum Curator from 1935 until his retirement in 1969. He will long be remembered for the expansion of the Library Service – the Reference Library, Children’s Library and Monmouth Road Branch Library owe their inception to his enthusiasm and enterprise. He took a prominent part in the Centenary celebrations in 1954, organising the exhibition of Local History in Hendford Manor Hall and contributing the section on “Municipal Developments since 1854” in the centenary book “The Borough of Yeovil, Its History and Government”. He encouraged lectures on local history and literary appreciation and warmly supported drama activities in the town.

Mr. Batty was a founder member of our Society and offered the use of the Museum and “Later Hendford Manor Hall for our meetings. For his services to us, he was elected a life member. He continued Society interest in the Society after his retirement and made several contributions to Chronicle. His work in promoting the cultural life of the town was in the best traditions of devoted public service.