This article came from the Chronicle published April

Inside Front Cover & Inside of Back Cover – incl. Society Details and Publications


Inside Front Cover

Founded 1954

Affiliated to

Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
The Council for British Archaeology


Individual 70p
Husband and wife £1.00
Family £1.20
Junior 25p


Chairman Miss Isobel Rendell
152 Hendford, Hill, Yeovil. Tel. 6570.
Telephone Yeovil 6570.
Hon. Secretary W.T.J.Chapman
68 Carisbrooke Gardens, Yeovil.
Telephone Yeovil 21713.
Hon. Treasurer R.G.Gilson
The Cottage, Dinnington, Hinton St George.
Telephone Ilminster 2950
Committee R. J. Clynick
Mrs L.Hughes
Miss Peters
Hon.Librarian Mrs P.A.Knight
Publications Committee L.E.J.Brooke (Editor)


This contains volumes freely available for loan to members, details from Mrs P.Knight, ‘Netherfield’, East Street, West Coker (Telephone West Coker 2120) or a t meetings. Mrs Knight will be pleased to receive further donations of books, pamphlets, etc, either as gifts, or on loan.


Articles and communications regarding the Society’s journal should be handed or sent to the Hon.Editor, Leslie Brooke, 18 Stiby Road, Yeovil BA21 3EF, Telephone Yeovil 27991, as soon as possible for inclusion in the next issue.
Articles, etc. which appear in ‘Chronicle‘ are the copyright of the respective contributors and must not be reproduced without prior consent.
Facts, opinions, and observations expressed by contributors are their responsibility alone, the Editor and Committee holding themselves in no way responsible for errors or mis-statements, though every effort is made to ensure correct rendering of copy received.

Inside Back Cover

S O C I E T Y   P U B L I C A T I O N S

No.1 – THE ROMANS at Ilchester, Lufton, Yeovil and District, L.C.Hayward, 1978, 
Liberally illustrated account of the Romans in the neighbourhood of Yeovil, as revealed by excavation and reconstruction. Copies still available at £1.30. from local booksellers, or from the author, 226 Goldcroft, Yeovil
(By Post £1.45)
No.2 – STREET NAMES IN YEOVIL by Leslie Brooke. 1980. This publication is at present out of print.
No.3 – BYGONE YEOVIL. L.C.Hayward and Leslie Brooke. 1980.
Profusely illustrated story of life in Yeovil centred around St.John’s parish church from pre-Reformation days, as revealed by church records. Proceeds from this publication will be devoted to the restoration fund of the church. Obtainable, as soon as ready, from St.John’s Church or at Meetings. £1-50. Publication imminent.

‘C H R O N I C L E’
Journal of the Society.

At present issued twice-yearly for the recording of Society events, results of members’ research, excavations, or other activities, contributed articles, book notices, etc.etc.

Free to members of the Society, extra copies, 15p, obtainable from the Secretary.

Free to members, extra copies 15p,
obtainable from the Secretary.