

This article came from the Chronicle published September 1978. Page 2



Author: L.E.J.Brooke


The dictionary says that a chronicle is ‘a bare record of events in order of time’, and while this publication intends to record the events of the Society and activities of individual members, it is hoped it will be rather more than just ‘a bare record’, proving interesting as well as informative and stimulating.

Chronicle ‘ will appear perhaps two or three times a year, as occasion warrants, and it is hoped members will co-operate by contributing results of ‘finds’, individual research, articles, and generally airing their news and views. Little-known facts or discoveries frequently go unrecorded either because of their humble nature, or because a couple of lines would suffice to describe them – ‘Chronicle ‘ is intended to provide a means of letting others know of such items. Sometimes, too, a puzzle remains unresolved because those with expert knowledge on the subject have not been acquainted with it – a ‘Members – Queries’ spot could well produce a solution or at least some information, besides interesting many more readers as well.

Publications of interest to the archaeologist and local historian frequently pass unnoticed, and it is hoped to include as a regular feature lists of recent works, with occasional brief reviews of the more important or interesting ones.

Besides detailing a programme of our own forthcoming events, it is intended in future issues to include news of other meetings, courses, lectures, exhibitions, etc. relating to archaeology, architecture, history, and allied subjects occurring in the South-West. The editor will be pleased to have details of such meetings brought to his notice.

These are the intentions for the future – but for this first issue the editorial committee express thanks to the following:

Miss Isobel Rendell for her opening remarks and for contributing the article on ‘Pillow Lace in Somerset’;

Edgar Silcox for his recollections and research into the early days of our Society;

Leonard Hayward for the first of what is hoped will be a series on ‘The Parish Chest’;

Norman Atkins for ‘Thomas Hardy in the Yeovil District’;

Mrs Pat Knight for having undertaken to supply Book News and Notices, notes on our own ‘Society Library’, and details of the Somerset and Dorset Family History Society;

Mrs Marjorie Brooke and Russ Clyniek for their contributions to the review of our summer outings, which besides giving itineraries pays attention to things observed and subsequent information brought to notice;

And last, but by no means least, to ‘Jeff’ for his part in duplicating these pages.

The committee have decided, for the present, to issue one free copy of ‘Chronicle ‘ to members, while for non-members and extra copies, a charge of 15p will have to be made to help defray the cost of materials.

Finally, it is again stressed that this is your journal, produced both for and by you, so please let the editorial committee know what you can contribute – don’t be put off by any feeling of literary inadequacy, your committee will be pleased to interpret information if told about it, though of course written or typed material will be appreciated!