Yeovil School in 1948/9

Yeovil School in 1948/9

Yeovil School, the town’s Grammar School, closed in 1974 to become a Comprehensive, but for many years an Archaeological Society flourished in the school under the enthusiastic leadership of the Senior History Master, the late Mr L. C.  Hayward, B.A., B.Sc., F.C.A., the founder and a chairman of YALHS.  I joined the School (and the Society) in September 1948 and left in July 1954 and here is the report which appeared in the School magazine The Yeovilian  for the school year 1948/49.

‘The  Archaeological Society has completed two terms’ enjoyable work and looks forward  confidently to a long summer term with some Excavating at Lufton in August.  Many meetings have been held both in and out of school and attendance at most has been good.  (But will our younger members please restrain themselves when ascending church towers!)

During the Autumn Term meetings were held at Muchelney Abbey and Kingsbury, and a series of talks on Excavators and Excavations was arranged.  These were illustrated by lantern slides and given by Miss Rogers (of Yeovil High School), Mr. Hayward and Gillingham[a pupil].  Two members attended the Conference of School Archaeological Societies held at Salisbury in March.

A party of twenty went to Bristol on March 19th to see the Cathedral and an exhibition of photographs of excavations at the Museum.  The Cabot tower was also visited by those members who propose to take up the profession of Steeplejack.

We are looking forward to a visit to Longleat House at the end of this term and hope our weather will be favourable for our work at the villa.  One final word  –  we can do with more members!  M.J.G.’

I remember the visit to Longleat when we were met by Lord Bath and the days of excavations at Lufton which always seemed to be sunny and warm; also occasionally  when Mr Hayward and the seniors were absent for a short time we juniors enjoyed re-enacting the Western Front in the trenches and on the spoil heaps!

Jack Sweet
April 2014